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Kitchen Countertop Replacement in the Carolina’s

Simpli Painted is proud to offer our customers countertop replacement and installation services as part of our makeover solutions. Repainting cabinetry is an excellent opportunity to upgrade your countertop with a new design or material that ties the whole kitchen or bathroom together. Need help figuring out where to begin? No worries. We’re experienced in kitchen and bathroom makeovers and will cover all your options to ensure you make the best choice for your home.

Choose the Right Countertop Material

High-quality counters are made from natural stone or engineered from a combination of materials. Not only does this ensure your countertop is durable, but it also comes with options for unique patterns or color hues. Homeowners can choose from various stones, and while there isn’t one that is absolutely perfect, each has its benefits, so understanding them will help steer you in the right direction for your purpose.


Quartz is an engineered material that is incredibly durable. Its resistance to chips and scratches is a big selling point. It’s also waterproof, so it won’t suffer any damage from prolonged exposure to moisture, making it great for kitchens and bathrooms. Since quartz crystals, minerals, and pigments are bound together by resin in the engineering process, colors and patterns are more consistent throughout the finished product. Quartz is somewhat heat resistant but not at extremely high temperatures.


Quartzite is a natural stone countertop and shouldn’t be confused with quartz. One of the biggest selling points of quartzite is that it looks like marble but is less expensive. It is very durable and withstands damage from heat and water, and homeowners like the low-maintenance care. However, it is prone to scratching, and since it’s a porous substance, it does need to be sealed to keep spills from soaking into the material.


One of the reasons granite is such a popular countertop choice is that it fits into many budgets, and prices vary depending on the thickness of the slab. With a range of options, you’re sure to find an affordable stone in a pattern you love. In addition to the price, granite is attractive because each slab is unique, easy to clean, and highly resistant to scratching and chipping. It is a porous stone, so it does require some sealing, but once that’s covered, it’s protected well against moisture, stains, and heat.


Marble is considered one of the highest luxury countertops because of its elegant look, but that comes with a price. One of the draws of this material is the veining, and in cheaper varieties, the veining will often line up poorly, which can ruin the look. So high quality is costly. However, marble holds its value, and since no two pieces of marble are exactly the same, you’re guaranteed a unique look in your home.


This is a less common material than the others above, but it is a beautiful natural stone option with a rustic feel similar to granite. It’s an environmentally friendly counter since no chemicals are used to manufacture it. Soapstone is also incredibly durable, doesn’t crack easily, and can handle the heat from hot pots and pans directly off the stove. It’s easy to clean using mild detergent and a soft sponge but does require periodic oiling to maintain the natural look.

Let’s Discuss Your Countertop Replacement

Countertop replacement in the Carolina’s is a hassle-free experience with Simpli Painted. We understand this is a project homeowners will only do once in their kitchens or bathrooms, so we work professionally to ensure it’s done right. Contact us today to learn more about our countertop replacement services, discuss your material options, and get a free estimate.

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