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Kitchen, Bathroom, and Custom Cabinet Refinishing

As a reputable cabinet painting contracting company, we understand how important it is for clients in the Carolina’s to be absolutely delighted with our services. Simpli Painted is synonymous with stunning results, exceptional customer service, and a no-hassle way to a beautiful cabinet makeover. From delivering fast quotes that won’t take hours of your time to installing the final touches and hardware on your newly painted cabinets, our process is designed to give you precisely the renovated look you want at a fraction of the price and in less time than getting new cabinets.

white cabinets

Complete Coverage for a Brand-New Look

Cabinet painting, also known as cabinet refinishing, uses all the components of your existing cabinets and simply changes the color of the finish. We can replace the hardware if you prefer to update that as well. The process can be performed on any cabinet in the kitchen, bathroom, or other part of the home. All exposed areas of cabinetry will be treated. We remove doors and drawer facings for the most thorough work. The process involves sanding or stripping the current finish and refinishing all exposed surfaces, sides, doors, and drawer fronts with your choice of paint. You won’t recognize your old cabinets when we’re done.

Benefits of Refinishing Your Cabinets

One of the biggest draws to cabinet refinishing is the budget-friendly price point. Still, if money were no object and a homeowner has unlimited funds, there are advantages and benefits to refinishing cabinetry instead of replacing it.

Professional Results

When working with us, you’re guaranteed a professional finish that will make your cabinets look brand new. Just because you’re retaining an existing product does not mean the results will be inferior. Guests will assume you had new cabinets installed.

A Good Environmental Choice

When you reuse anything, you keep it out of landfills, and the environmental benefits are immense. You’re not only reducing unnecessary waste, but you’re also not calling for new products to be manufactured, which reduces carbon output.

Less Disruption

If you go through the process of removing the old and installing something new, you can bet on losing access to your kitchen for some time. Remember, the countertops will also have to be removed in this scenario, and it can be weeks before it’s all back together. Refinishing can be completed in a fraction of the time.

Simpli Painted, Simpli Incredible

Why are we called Simpli Painted? Because we provide the simplest route to getting refreshed and renewed cabinets that will energize your kitchen and bring out the “WOW” factor you’ve been looking for. And our process is simple. Just send us four or five photos of your cabinets, and we’ll respond quickly with a free estimate. With numerous paint colors and stains available, we guarantee you’ll find a finish you’ll be delighted with. Contact us for your free quote today.

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    Another Happy Homeowner