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Meet Ronald “Pop” Lee, Proud Owner of Simpli Painted

Ronald Lee, affectionately known as “Pop,” is the heart and soul of Simpli Painted. With years of experience and a deep dedication to his craft, Ron has earned a reputation as a perfectionist, ensuring that every project he works on exceeds expectations.

His commitment to delivering exceptional results is evident in the glowing reviews from his satisfied clients. Ron takes great pride in bringing homes back to life and making sure his clients feel spoiled throughout the process.

When he’s not working his magic, Ron is a devoted family man who loves spending quality time with his loved ones, traveling, and making memories with friends and family.

About Simpli Painted

Simpli Painted is a locally owned and operated cabinetry repainting business serving Charlotte, NC and the surrounding areas. We’re committed to providing homeowners with various services for kitchen and bath renovations that don’t require an exorbitant budget. As a locally based business, our mission is to provide a higher level of customer experience and satisfaction on every project to help build trust with the local community.

luxurious kitchen white marble

Professional Services You Can Trust

Our services focus on cabinet repainting and refinishing in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas of the home with cabinetry that’s still in good shape but needs a facelift. Our work includes countertop replacements using the finest natural stone and engineered materials to complete your home makeover.

  • Cabinet Repainting – It’s like getting brand-new cabinets without the high cost and disruption of demolition. Choose a custom color or stain and complete the project with new hardware. All doors, drawers, and facings will be stripped and refinished.
  • Countertop Replacement – Is it time to upgrade your counter to go along with your freshly painted cabinets? We work with high-quality materials that offer durability to match different budgets. Choose from quartz, quartzite, marble, granite, and soapstone.

Why Choose Us for Cabinetry Repainting?

Trusting a business you haven’t worked with previously can feel like you’re taking a leap of faith. However, as an established local company with many happy customers on our résumé, we’re confident you’ll be more than satisfied with our work and your overall experience with our services. Why?

  • We’re locally owned and operated and dedicated to maintaining a stellar reputation
  • Our team has years of experience to ensure we can execute any job professionally
  • We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service and complete customer satisfaction
  • We have many customer recommendations, complete with 5-Star customer reviews
  • We’ll provide a fast and free estimate to see if this is a project you’re interested in. Just send four or five photos of your project, and we’ll reply promptly.

Get Your Free Estimate for Cabinet Repainting

Need to brighten your kitchen with updated cabinets for a more modern and spacious look? Have you always dreamt of having granite or quartz countertops but couldn’t fit a kitchen renovation into the budget? Simpli Painted offers services at a great price to help you achieve this and more. Contact us for a free estimate today.

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    Another Happy Homeowner